About us

History and Mission

E-Tekne srl was founded in 2009. Company’s mission is providing professional services for technology transfer, supporting the creation of innovative companies and the management of R & D Projects.


Start up support

Start up support

E-Tekne invests in innovative IT companies in Italy and abroad.



E-Tekne supports SMEs in the management of R&D Projects.

Innovative solutions

Innovative solutions

E-Tekne helps Companies and Startups to take advantage from the Innovation to improve the business

R&D Costs optimization

R&D Costs optimization

Costs are a critical issue in R&D and in general in Innovative Projects. E-Tekne supports their clients to cut costs and improve quality .

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In September 2009, E-Tekne , together with Redifin Spa , acquired Italdata Spa from the Siemens Business Services Group.
Italdata ( www.italdata.it ), located in Avellino, has a share capital of euro 3’096 billions.
Today Italdata is one of the major italian player in the fields of e-learning and local transport solutions. After only two years from the acquisition, Italdata opened new offices in Rome and Milan and acquired several important contracts with ENEL, Poste Italiane, Sogei, Verona Public Transport Company and many others. The staff increased  from 27 to 80.
In June 2018 E-Tekne and Redifin sold their shares to Oidata Spa..


In January 2009 e-Tekne founded  KES Srl  ( www.kesitaly.it ), an   academic spinoff of Sannio University.
The mission of is  research and development of innovative solutions in the fields of intelligent video surveillance and smart-grids. KES has been  involved in several research programs, funded by MIUR, MSE and U.E.
KES is owned by Italdata.


e-Tekne supports SMEs in the management of R&S projects .
e-Tekne’s partners have many years of experience in the management of R&S projects in national and europeans calls.


INCIPIT Consortium ( www.incipit.campania.it ) supports startups in Campania Region . Partners of the Consortium are  University Federico II in Naples, University of Sannio in Benevento,  the Italian Association of Investments Funds ( AIFI Milan), Redifin Spa, and other organizations active in  Startups supporting.

E-tekne collaborated with INCIPIT Consortium in the analysis of major technological trends that represent the most attractive investment areas.
Incipit Incubators are  located in Benevento and Naples.


The Thinking Clouds is a start-up incubated by E-Tekne Srl,  expert in User Experience and Gamification. Currently, Thinking Cloud’s team team consists in service design, business design, user experience and software professionals.



Research project carried out thanks to POR Campania FESR 2014-2020 funding.
CAIUS, acronym of “Cultural heritage Artificial Intelligence Ubiquitous System” is a research and development project aimed at applying artificial intelligence in the context of cultural heritage.
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Contact Info

  • E-Tekne srl
  •  Address: Work Center – Contrada Piano Cappelle  S.S. Appia Km 267 – 82100 Benevento
  • Phone: +39 0824 1748461 – +39 3357523200
  • Mail: info@e-tekne.it PEC Mail : e-tekne@pec.it
  • CF 01466380621, P IVA (VAT Number) 01466380621
  • Share capital: € 50.000,00